Les voyages de Harry: Dijon tour

Bonjour bonjour !
A few weeks ago I had another trip to the French wine region of Burgundy and I'm excited to share another amazing journey with you!
This time I was accompanied by four amazing ladies from one of my favourite food magazines: Allerhande from The Netherlands.

We had Dinner that night in Dijon, at Porte de La Guillaume, for the best boeuf Bourguignon in town. The next morning, we visited the Maille boutique for a tasting of the exquisite White Alba truffle mustard and more, then off to the Les Halles market for fresh baked bread, jambon persillé and cheese: Comté, Époisses de Bourgogne, Brillat Savarin… to finish, tarte aux pommes and fruits as a dessert.

Our Dijon tour ended with the most amazing experience on Sunday, “Le Brunch” at the Les Halles market, which closes to host a Burgundy banquet, every week from a different chef, where you can enjoy a buffet of Burgundy foods and wine.
When the time had come to go back home, we were packed with warm experiences, a happy pallet and a sense of euphoria from another great trip to Burgundy.
Harry, your Mustard Sommelier