Harry's Roasted Lamb

Harry's Roasted Lamb

lamb, Main, Main Course, Occasion -

Delicious, succulent roasted lamb leg for those special occasions, Sunday roasts or Easter.



  1. Cut 3-4 garlic cloves in thick slices, with a knife make small incisions all over the lamb and fill with the garlic slices.
  2.  Rub the salt all over the lamb and then rub them massage the Maille Dijon Originale Mustard with White Wine all over the lamb leg as well.
  3. Cut the remaining garlic and garlic head roughly in a horizontal half and place with lamb in a deep roasting dish.
  4. Sprinkle the lamb all over with the oregano and chamomile
  5. Pour the wine in the roasting tin base.
  6. Cover with foil and place in the oven at 120 degrees Celsius for 8 hours, yes 8 hours. I usually place it in the oven over night.
  7. After the 8 hours have past (and more if you need to time it with lunch) approximately 1 hour before serving, remove the foil, smother with the Maille Honey Dijon Mustard, drizzle with the olive oil and place back in the oven on 200 degrees Celsius until golden on the outside, usually about 40 minutes.