Dear Maille Community,
We are writing with heavy hearts as we want to inform you of some changes to our website that will affect your ability to purchase Maille products online.
After much consideration, the brand has decided to discontinue the online Maille store from the 13th of December 2020, which includes the fresh pumped mustards. It was a very difficult decision. The “boutique range” will still be sold in our Paris and Dijon Maille stores and we will continue to sell our core mustard and cornichon products at your grocery stores and on other websites, like Amazon.
The online Maille store will close as of December 13th. 2020. We hope that you’ll be able to stock up in time for the holidays.
We would like to THANK ALL OF YOU - our loyal Maille customers, for the unwavering support and love you've given to Maille over the years.
In the meantime, we are working hard on exciting new things which we look forward to sharing in the future!
The Maille Team

Frequently Asked Questions
When can I make my last purchase online?
December 13, 2020.
What happens when I receive my order after the closure of the store, but it is the wrong order/broken/damaged?
Please contact our careline. We will compensate or send new items if we still have stock. Please help us by contact our careline as soon as possible
by calling 1-800-673-2293 8:30 am – 9:00 pm ET Monday through Friday.
Up to when can I change my order after the online store is closed?
If you have any issue with your order, please contact our careline before December 22, 2020.
How long to do I have to return my items?
We don’t accept return for any order placed after December 01, 2020.